During the weekend of December 2, 2005, traffic patterns reverted from the temporary by-pass back onto Route 202 within
the Blue Ball Properties project area just in time for the holidays. Helping with the traffic switch was William Messing,
Diamond Materials Maintenance of Traffic Foreman.
Diamond Materials, LLC is credited with the paving on the project placing 42,814 tons of base and top hot mix between April
and December 2005 to complete the months of work on the project by R. E. Pierson’s Construction employees.
The shift in traffic patterns, which extended from Augustine Cut-Off to Independence Mall, marked the conclusion of the
project’s major construction phase that included the construction of two major bridges. Leading the bridge construction
was Foremen Roger Loucks, Everado Casillas, Jesus Loya and Kary Nelson of R. E. Pierson.
The Blue Ball Properties project began as a study in 1999 when AstraZeneca decided to relocate its North American headquarters
to the Blue Ball area. Diverting traffic from Route 202 allowed for the construction of two new underpasses of the existing
highway, as well as all the associated roadway ramps. With the completion of this phase of the project, back on December 5
traffic resumed its normal route along the improved Route 202.