The Revised Program for 2004
Foreman of the Quarter / Year Program
The goal of Diamond Materials, LLC Foreman of the Quarter
/ Year Program is to publicly recognize outstanding, safe foreman and acknowledge their accomplishments and contributions
to the company. Foreman will be graded using the foreman incentive work sheet.
· Employee of Diamond
Materials, LLC for at least 90 days
· Participation in Toolbox Safety talks
· Accident and driving record
will be graded
· Individual contribution and / or service that reflects a positive image of Diamond Materials, LLC.
· Consistent outstanding job performance:
o Maintains good safety record
o Produces quality work,
and clean job site
o Promotes harmony with co-workers
o Attendance in good standing
o Performs above
normal job requirements
o Wears hard hat at all times
o Uses safety glasses when required
o Uses hearing
protection when required
o Uses respiratory protection when required
o Wears traffic vest when out of the
truck at the plant and on the job site.
o Maintains a clean truck inside and out.
Foreman of the Quarter
/ Year Awards
· Foreman of the Quarter will receive a $200 Savings bond, plaque and certificate
· Foreman
of the Year will receive a Savings Bond for 1st place $1500, 2nd place $900 and 3rd place $600, a Plaque, Certificate and
Company Jacket.
· Be spotlighted in the Employee Newsletter
· Announcement and photograph on the Employee
Foreman of the Quarter / Year Inspections
A. The Safety Department will use the Foreman of the Quarter
/ Year grading sheet for inspections.
B. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Employee of the Quarter / Year Program
A. The goal of Diamond Materials, LLC Employee Incentive
Program is to publicly recognize safe, outstanding employees and acknowledge their accomplishments and contributions to the
company. Department Heads / Foremen. (Shop, Office, Site Jobs, Milling Crew, Paving Crew, MOT/Flagger Crew, Plant Operation
(Asphalt, Crusher, and Lab)) will nominate one person from their division using the employee-grading sheet. Criteria ·
Employee of Diamond Materials, LLC for at least 90 days · Participation in Toolbox Safety talks · Accident record
will be graded · Individual contribution and / or service that reflects a positive image of Diamond Materials, LLC. ·
Consistent outstanding job performance: o Maintains good safety record o Produces quality work o Promotes harmony
with co-workers o Attendance in good standing o Performs above normal job requirements o Does not ride on equipment
not designed to carry passengers o Wears hard hat at all times o Uses safety glasses when required o Uses hearing
protection when required o Uses respiratory protection when required o Wears traffic vest when working next to moving
Employee of the Quarter / Year Awards · Employee of the Quarter from the Shop, Office, Site Jobs, Milling
Crew, Paving Crew and Plant Operations will receive a $100 savings bond, plaque and certificate · The Shop, Office, Site
Jobs, Milling Crew, Paving Crew and Plant Operations will compete against each other for The Employee Of The year. 1st, 2nd
and 3rd place winners will receive a $1000/$600/$400 savings bond, plaque, certificate and company jacket. · Be spotlighted
in the Employee Newsletter · Announcement and photograph on the Employee Website Nominations for Employee of the Quarter
/ Year B. Nominations will be accepted from all Department Heads / Foremen. (Shop, Office, Site Jobs, Milling Crew, Paving
Crew, MOT/Flagger Crew Plant Operation (Asphalt, Crusher, Lab)) C. Department Heads / Foreman will use the Employee of
the Quarter / Year grading sheet provided by the Safety Department.
Driver of the Quarter / Year Program
The goal of Diamond Materials, LLC Driver of the Quarter
/ Year Program is to publicly recognize outstanding, safe drivers and acknowledge their accomplishments and contributions
to the company. Drivers will be graded using the driver incentive work sheet.
Criteria · Employee of Diamond Materials,
LLC for at least 90 days · Participation in Toolbox Safety talks · Accident and driving record will be graded ·
Individual contribution and/or service that reflects a positive image of Diamond Materials, LLC. · Consistent outstanding
job performance: o Maintains good safety record o Produces quality work o Promotes harmony with co-workers o
Attendance in good standing o Performs above normal job requirements o Wears hard hat at all times o Uses safety
glasses when required o Uses hearing protection when required o Uses respiratory protection when required o Wears
traffic vest when out of the truck at the plant and on the job site. o Maintains a clean truck inside and out.
of the Quarter / Year Awards · Driver of the Quarter will receive a $200 savings bond, a plaque and certificate ·
Driver of the Year winners will receive a savings bond for 1st place $1000, 2nd place $600 and 3rd place $400, a plaque, certificate
and company jacket. · Be spotlighted in the Employee Newsletter · Announcement and photograph on the Employee Website
Driver of the Quarter / Year Inspections A. The Safety Department will use the driver of the Quarter / Year grading
sheet for inspections.
B. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
2004 Safety Incentive Awards
final Diamond Materials, LLC Safety Meeting of the year was held on December 7, 2004 at the Bridgeview Inn. The
highlight of the evening however was the opportunity to recognize the contributions of some of our co-workers through our
Driver of the Year, Employee of the Year and Foreman of the Year Incentive Awards Program for 2004. These awards were presented
to those individuals to recognize their dedication and outstanding contributions made during the year.
Awards for the Diamond Materials Foreman Safety Incentive Program,
went to:
Mr. Christioher Lester was the, First Place Winner and received
a bond for $1,500.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Material Jacket and a plaque.

Mr. Michael Handy Sr. for Second Place, received a bond for
$900.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Material Jacket and a plaque.
Mr. Kevin Rains for Third Place,
who received a bond for $400.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Material Jacket and a plaque.
awards for Employee of the Year Program were:

Mr. Juan Valdin was the, First Place Winner and received a bond
for $1000.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Material Jacket and a plaque.

Mr. Jose Jaquez for Second Place received a bond for $ 600.00,
a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Material Jacket and a plaque.

Mr. John Ullrich for Third Place received, a bond
for $400.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Material Jacket and a plaque.
awards for the Drivers Safety Incentive Award Program were:

Mr. Kenneth Ringgold for First Place and each received a bond
for $1,000.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Material Jacket and a plaque.

Mr. Billy Blankenship for Second Place received a bondfor $ 600.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond Materials
Jacket and a plaque

Mr. Edgar Lemus for Third Place received, a check for $400.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond
Materials Jacket and a plaque.

Mr. Roberto Lemus for Third Place received, a check for $400.00, a Certificate of Recognition, a Diamond
Materials Jacket and a plaque.