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Richard Pierson Jr.

On October 3, l863, President Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day a national holiday, to be observed on the last Thursday of November. In l94l Congress adopted a joint resolution confirming the fourth Thursday of November, as Thanksgiving Day.

     Thanksgiving is an American holiday which usually brings to mind a day to get together with friends and family. Over the years, the focus has been to prepare the traditional roast turkey and pumpkin pie with all the trimmings and to catch the football season on television.

     Many people have a vague recollection that this holiday started with the Pilgrims, but have forgotten the beautiful history behind this celebration. It is a story of human struggle, courage, and a commitment to the freedom to practice one's faith against great odds. The story carries timeless application for us today, as we recall with deep gratitude in our hearts the great love and sacrifice of others that paved the way for us.

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